Home>Products>Slewing Ring Bearings>68956A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings
68956A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings
Slewing Ring Bearings
Franke 68956A Bearing SPECIFICATIONS
Online 68956A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings Shanghai Ruonan-Power Co., Ltd. Expert.More Choices. N/A Minimum Buy Quantity 68956A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings in Stock & Ready to Ship Now!
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Franke 68956A Products and services 68956A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings
77266B Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Minimum Buy Quantity:N/A; Product Group:M06110; Inventory:0.0; Category:Mounted Units &; Manufacturer Name:ASAHI BEARINGS; Weight:0.79; |
68651A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Product Group:M06110; Minimum Buy Quantity:N/A; Manufacturer Name:NTN; Category:Mounted Units &; Inventory:0.0; |
75069A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Noun:Bearing; Weight / LBS:1.62; d:0.5 Inch | 12.7 Mill; Manufacturer Internal Number:77164; Internal Special Features:No Cage; Manufacturer Name:ALTRA INDUSTRIAL MOT; Category:Single Row Ball Bear; Harmonized Tariff Code:8482.10.50.68; D:1.5 Inch | 38.1 Mill; UNSPSC:31171504; Long Description:1/2" Bore; 1-1/; Internal Clearance:C0-Medium; Other Features:Deep Groove | Prelub; Weight:0.735; Inventory:0.0; |
68781A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Manufacturer Name:SCHAEFFLER GROUP; Minimum Buy Quantity:N/A; Category:Bearings; Product Group:B04336; Inventory:0.0; |
74122A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Weight / LBS:5.4; Expansion / Non-expansion:Non-expansion; Minimum Buy Quantity:N/A; Inventory:0.0; Manufacturer Item Number:CRFTS-PN31T; Weight:3.042; Inch - Metric:Inch; Bolt Spacing:6.188 Inch | 157.175; UNSPSC:31171501; Cartridge Pilot Depth:0 Inch | 0 Millimete; Other Features:Single Row | Standar; Noun:Bearing; Mounting Method:Concentric Collar; Mounting Bolts:9/16 Inch; Nominal Bolt Circle Diameter Round:6.2 Inch | 157 Milli; |
77274A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Weight:0.89; Category:Mounted Units &; Product Group:M06110; Minimum Buy Quantity:N/A; Inventory:0.0; Manufacturer Name:ASAHI BEARINGS; |
68582A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Cartridge Pilot Depth:0.188 Inch | 4.775 M; Category:Flange Block; UNSPSC:31171501; Weight / LBS:55; d:3.938 Inch | 100.025; Housing Style:6 Bolt Round Flange; Noun:Bearing; Inch - Metric:Inch; Expansion / Non-expansion:Expansion; Nominal Bolt Circle Diameter Round:12.9 Inch | 327.7 Mi; Rolling Element:Spherical Roller Bea; Harmonized Tariff Code:8483.20.40.80; Cartridge Pilot Diameter:10.375 Inch | 263.53; |
66156L Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Mounting Method:Concentric Collar; Manufacturer Internal Number:5803020; Expansion / Non-expansion:Expansion; Category:Flange Block; Housing Material:Cast Iron; Weight / LBS:9; Noun:Bearing; Weight:4.994; Keyword String:Flanged; Number of Mounting Holes:4; Housing Configuration:1 Piece Solid; Long Description:4 Bolt Round Flange; Product Group:M06288; UNSPSC:31171501; Seals:Floating Labyrinth; Pilot Configuration:No Pilot; |
75073A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Weight:9.988; Housing Style:4 Bolt Pillow Block; Housing Configuration:1 Piece Solid; d:2.688 Inch | 68.275; Mounting Method:Concentric Collar; Number of Mounting Holes:4; D:4.74 Inch | 120.396; Actual Bolt Center to Center:0 Inch | 0Millimeter; Inch - Metric:Inch; Insert Part Number:22215; Manufacturer Name:TIMKEN; Category:Pillow Block; Bolt Spacing Maximum:9.1 Inch | 231.14Mil; Minimum Buy Quantity:N/A; |
68682A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Manufacturer Name:REGAL BELOIT; Minimum Buy Quantity:N/A; Weight:3.773; Inventory:0.0; Product Group:M06110; Category:Mounted Units &; |
No. | Brand | C | r | B | b | a | G | D | d |
68530A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
69710L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
69709L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
74150A | Franke | - | - | 2.008 Inch | 51 Mill | - | - | - | 5.906 Inch | 150 Mil | 2.756 Inch | 70 Mill |
68755A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
66396L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
73015L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 0.313 Inch | 7.95 Mi |
66180L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68587A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 0.591 Inch | 15 Mill |
75080A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 3.15 Inch | 80 Milli | 1.575 Inch | 40 Mill |
77242A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5.376 Inch | 136.55 | 2.688 Inch | 68.275 |
75082A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68575A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 3.5 Inch | 88.9 Mill | 2.75 Inch | 69.85 Mi |
66179L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
66171L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 4.921 Inch | 125 Mil | 2.756 Inch | 70 Mill |
77288A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68682A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68645A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
66199L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 6.693 Inch | 170 Mil | 3.15 Inch | 80 Milli |
68673A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
73017L | Franke | - | - | 1.024 Inch | 26 Mill | - | - | - | 5.118 Inch | 130 Mil | 0 Inch | 0 Millimete |
75069A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1.5 Inch | 38.1 Mill | 0.5 Inch | 12.7 Mill |
75037A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
73052L | Franke | - | - | 5.276 Inch | 134 Mil | - | - | - | 21.26 Inch | 540 Mil | 14.173 Inch | 360 Mi |
68704A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68954A | Franke | - | - | 0.693 Inch | 17.602 | - | - | - | 0 Inch | 0 Millimete | 2.625 Inch | 66.675 |
68478A | Franke | - | - | 1.024 Inch | 26 Mill | - | - | - | - | 3.15 Inch | 80 Milli |
73135L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68607A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1.937 Inch | 49.2 Mi | 1.5 Inch | 38.1 Mill |
68699A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68956A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings Video
#68956a hex color
The hexadecimal color #68956a has RGB values of R:104, G:149, B:106 and CMYK values of C:0.3, M:0, Y:0.29, K:0.42. Its decimal value is 6853994.
68956A LILY Interchangeable From Franke Slewing Ring Bearings ...
68956A Slewing Ring Bearings ; Inside Diameter Of Inner Ring, 229.5 mm ; Outside Diameter Of Outer Ring, 250.5 mm ; Height Of Overall Bearing Assembly (H), 5.5 mm.
#68956a Hex Color Code, RGB and Paints - Encycolorpedia
The hexadecimal color code #68956a is a shade of green. In the RGB color model #68956a is comprised of 40.78% red, 58.43% green and 41.57% blue. In the HSL ...
#68956a Color Hex
#68956a color RGB value is (104,149,106). #68956a hex color red value is 104, green value is 149 and the blue value of its RGB is 106.
#68956a Hex Color Code — HexColor16
68956a color description: hex color code, color conversion (HSV, HSL, CMYK, CIE, …), rgb(104, 149, 106) color combinations, schemes and HTML/CSS examples...
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07 Harley Davidson Street Glide FLHX Security System Antenna 68956-07. ✓⭐ eBay's #1 Source for Used Powersports Parts ⭐✓. 07 Harley Davidson Street ...
68956A Hex Color (Highland) - Hex Dictionary
Highland - #68956A hex colors. Convert to hex/HTML/CSS/RGB/CMYK/HSV.
Faux-Russian green (#68956a) knowledge base - 2020 Colors
#68956a is made up of (104, 149, 106) in RGB colorspace and (30.20, 0.00, 28.86, 41.57) in CMYK colorspace. Its decimal value is 6853994 and the closest ...
#68956a - Highland - RGB 104, 149, 106 Color Informations
68956a hex color code information, #68956A Highland colour description, schemes and conversion in RGB(104, 149, 106), CMYK, HSL, HSV etc.
Slewing Ring Bearings Part series 68956A is a potential replacement for these common bearing part numbers:
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- Shanghai Ruonan-Power Co., Ltd.
- AddressNo.36 Building, JuCheng Pioneer Park, No.3257 Lane, XiuPu Road
- Phone(Working Time)86-02-8689236
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